What's New
(Updated Jan. 14, 2025)
This year we were please that the Saint John String Quartet were able to return and provide some beautiful Christmas music. It was very well received. Hopefully, we will see them next year, December 2025.
President Paul closed with a recognition of the folks from Villa Madonna who are doing such a good job of looking after us and who respond very quickly to our needs. The three key employees are Veronica Wilson (GM), Steve Hudson (room arrangements) and Debbie Childs (Chef). We are very fortunate to have the Villa as our venue. He asked the members to make a point of saying thanks to these folks if you have the opportunity when attending one of our meetings.
President Paul recognized Frank McCarey with his Past President's pin.
Secretary Robert Taylor presented PROBUS Pins to New Members; Graham McDonald, Peter McGill & Michael Gunter.
Club members were recognized for years of membership:
Five-year membership PROBUS Pins were presented to: L to R Robyn Humphries, Howard Pearn, Denis Skidmore Don Connolly, Greg Langille, Sid Lodhi & presenter Robert Taylor.
Ten-year pins were presented to, Tom Craig, Willard Buckley, John Doyle. Presented by Secretary Robert Taylor.
Relaxing moment during the coffee break.
Webmaster J.C.Robert Lockhart talks to Frank McCarey. It was good to see Robert as it is difficult for him to attend.
Back by popular demand, Barry Snodgrass, leads the group in Christmas sing a long. Well done Barry.
Willard Buckley and Chip Lawton at the luncheon.
Seated L-R Past President Ed O'keefe, Gordon Dempsey, Willard Buckley, Graham MacDonald, and guest.
On Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 eight Probus members attended a tour of the Jewish Memorial Museum . The tour was interesting, informative and, for those of us from Saint John, a reminder of Jewish friends many of whom have moved away. In view of the favourable response from those attending, a second offering is planned for some time in 2025, details to follow.
Katherine Biggs-Craft, Executive Director and Curator, addresses the PROBUS members.
Paul Meier and Larry Timms along with other member are observing the displays as pointed out by our guide.
One of the rooms with period displays of material used in the Jewish faith, some from many years ago.
Our guest speaker for the Oct. 16, 2024 meeting was David Alston who spoke on the Mini House Project he was instrumental in getting off the ground. The project was being proposed for development in the eastern part of the city in the area between Fern Hill Cemetery and East Point. He advised that their initiative was prompted by a project in Fredericton that has proved successful in addressing the homeless problem in the community. The intent is to build 75-80 units here at a size of 300-350 sq. ft. He responded to several questions from Members and was thanked for his Presentation by Tony Ariz.
New member Kenneth Ellis is welcomed and inducted by Vice President Carl White.
A special group provided some entertainment at out meeting . It was well received by all accounts. The group consisted of (L-) Ron Vincent on piano, Geoffrey Banks on drums, Singer Sherry Cochran, PROBUS member in the background Chip Lawton and Ross Mouland (son of former President Gordon Mouland) on sax. The group call themselves "Just the Four of Us".
Singer Sherry Cochran singing to the PROBUS group. Several members were tapping to the tunes.
Gary Watson, front left, and Willard Buckley in conversation; Dale Steeves & Brian Mitchell next conversing; and Eric Johnson approaching to the rear left.
Greg Langille and Tony Aziz catching up with Past President Don LeBlanc in the background.
The first meeting of the 2024/25 Probus year was held at Villa Madonna on September 19th, 2024. The meeting was well attended, and you can see from the minutes elsewhere in this edition of the Phoghorn that it was a busy agenda. President Paul Meier was delighted with the member participation. There was some excellent work done in the discussion groups and the Management Committee will be considering the group feedback in its next meeting. A few members delivered jokes and judging by the ensuing laughter, the quality of those jokes was excellent!
Pictured above is Howard Pearn sharing one of those humorous stories!
The membership paid great attention to the presentation by club president Paul Meier that describes an up coming survey discussion later in the meeting. Members were asked to join other tables to have a good group discussion and provide a response to the three questions that were passed out. This would provide information to the current executive on how future meeting should take place and what are the members expectations.
Pictured above is one round table gathered to review the questions. On the left, Mack Pike, Greg Langille, Fred Shillington, Tony Aziz and Chip Lawton are taking part in a PROBUS Club fact survey answering three questions. This will determine future events.
A second group discusses the survey during the session of the PROBUS meeting. Groups were formed with 5 to 6 members taking part, per table. Robert Purdy on the left, followed by David Cassidy, Frank McCarey, Ed Creaser and Eric Johnson.
The June 19th, 2024 Probus meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by Frank McCarey, President. The meeting commenced with the singing of O Canada, led by Robert Taylor. There were twenty-three members in attendance. Gordon Dempsey introduced Dr. Eshwar Kumar as a guest and potential new Member. Frank presented David Flewelling with his ten-year Membership pin. Carl White moved/seconded by David Flewelling that the Minutes of the April Meeting be accepted as posted in the current Edition of the Phoghorn. Motion carried. It was indicated that the May outing to Camp Gagetown was a high success and well enjoyed by those who participated.
At 10:18 am, the AGM commenced. It was moved by Tom Craig and seconded by David Flewelling that The Minutes of the June 21, 2023, AGM be accepted. Motion Carried. The Nominating Report for the upcoming Executive for 2024 - 2025 year was presented by Don Mitchener. He advised that the upcoming Executive would be Paul Meier, President, Frank McCarey past President, Carl White, Vice-President, Gordon Burnet, Treasurer and Pat Gallagher, Secretary (Larry Timms as backup). It was moved by Don Mitchener and seconded by Tom Craig that the Nominating Committee report be accepted as presented. Motion Carried. As outgoing President, Frank thanked everyone for their support and turned the floor over to the incoming President, Paul Meier. Paul thanked Frank on behalf of the Members for his commitment during his year as President. President Paul indicated that prior to the September meeting, he would be scheduling a meeting of the new Executive to discuss possible plans for the future direction of the Club.
President Frank Meier1st Vice President Carl White
Secretary Pat GallagherTreasurer Gordon Burnett Assistant Treasurer Larry Timms
President Frank McCarey on the right, waiting to cut the cake with our incoming President, Paul Meier.
President Frank McCarey presents David Flewelling with his 10-year pin. Congratulations David!
Gordon Dempsey introduces a guest, Dr. Eshwar Kumar with John Doyle on the right.
Gordon Burnett, left, talks with Greg Langille. Wes Cosman in the foreground.
Barry Snodgrass in conversation with Donald Thompkins on the right.
Entrance to Base Gagetown
On May 15, 2024 the Club took an adventure to Base Gagetown. The tour was arrange by a number of people, namely Bev Harrison, Harold Wright, Carl White, Paul Meier and a few others.
A large size bus with a capacity of 30 was obtained. Twenty three members were able to attend. The bus left Lilly Lake around 8:30am and arrived at Base Gagetown at 10:00am. Harold Wright arranged a greeter and tour host named Major Skaarup, a retired Intelligence Officer who walked the group through several Army vehicles used during the years in the military. Several of these vehicles have seen action during the WW2, Peace engagements and the Afganistan conflict and others, at overseas locations.
Part way through the tour, the group broke for lunch at the mess hall. I don't think anyone expected the sight when we entered the hall. It can easily seat 1,000 persons at once we are told. It was huge! (see picture below) There were three main food stations, for the lack of a better description, that served three completely different meals or a combination of. It was well layed out, staff were fast and very courteous. The cost of the meals was very reasonable at $12.50. We were told during the busy period that they can serve up to 4,000 meals per day.
After the lunch meal we went back to the museum. Several people wanted to see some of the exhibits in more detail. Club photographer Tom Craig took a lot of pictures which will be shared with the members in the coming months.
There was equipment for viewing outside and the instructor said if you were thin enough you could open up the hatches of a T72 tank, Russian, and he could not guarantee that you could be able to come out very easy as you went in. One of the interesting things about it is our tour bus driver stated that he was from Afghanistan and for a period of time he drove one of the Russian T72 tanks, when he was on the good side of course and he said they were quite the vehicle to drive. He had a few stories and shared it with some of the members. We also managed a tour of the Engineers Museum that was interesting, showing all of the latest equipment used at present and from the past.
Administration building on the left with a Chapel on the right.
View of the Base Hospital.
Our tour guide, Major Skaarup, addressing the group.
The three tanks shown are at the entrance of the main gate.
Wall of fallen soldiers-Sappers - during peace time and war. Sappers are "Combat Engineers" Their duties include the following: Breaching fortifications, Demolitions, Bridge-building, Laying, or clearing minefields, Preparing field defenses, road and airfield construction and repair.
A view we saw once inside the "mess hall". Clean as a whistle as the saying goes and the kitchen staff/servers were well organized. They can set at one setting about 1,000 persons. During the summer when troops or cadets are on the base, they serve meals up to 4,000 per day!
Members having lunch in the Mess Hall.
Bev Harrison addressed the club at the May 17, 2024 meeting and reviewed the plans for the upcoming outing to Base Gagetown Military Museums in May.
It was with regret that the Club announced the passing of Past President Richard Burpee on April 18, 2024 in its May Phoghorn. Richard was a good supporter of PROBUS and was President during the years 2008-2009.
On the left side, Brian Mitchell enjoys lunch with Jim Shillington and Fred Shellington. Jim has recuperated from a recent illness. Good to see Jim back.
PROBUS members gather around for coffee and news from each other.
Frank introduced Stewart Munroe, Certified Athletic Therapist, from the KenVal Rehab and Sports Injury Centre and the Rehab Consultant for the Saint John Seadogs, as the Guest Speaker for the Mar. 20, 2024 meeting. Stewart talked about the importance of exercise as we aged and that everyone requires different requirements for exercise and relief of pain caused by arthritis, which is a common health issue. He demonstrated some leg exercises focusing on the back and front muscles, with a focus on knee straightening exercises as well.
There was some discussion in regard to Cardio Exercises and that it was better to walk or jog on soft surfaces rather than hard like concrete. And when on a treadmill, it is important to be sure you have at least 6 ft. of clearance behind you in case of falling off. Stewart also talked about the issue of Vertigo and the way to find relief. Following questions from members, Gary Watson thanked Stewart (center) for his presentation.
Stewart brought along his mascot to illustrate the bone structure. I think he needs to eat more!
Wes Cosman, Paul Meier, John Doyle, Peter Gaulton share a story.
Willard Buckley, Dale Stevens, John Teed, & William Covert share some thoughts.
After their lunch, the present executive Paul Meier- VP, Frank McCarey- President, Carl White- Secretary, Ed Creaser- Treasurer held a little conversation meeting.
President Frank McCarey introduced Don Mitchener as the Guest Speaker for the Feb. 21, 2024 meeting. Frank talked about implications of individuals investing in Tax-Free Savings Accounts and circulated related documents to those in attendance. He clarified how individuals are affected by the process based on the Provincial Tax Rates. He further advised that an individual must be aware of the process in the event of a Contributor as the original owner of a TFSA and how it would work to transfer the plan to a Spouse or children in the event of no surviving Spouse. The receiving individual could be entitled to the same terms and conditions as the original of the TFSA. He responded to questions from Members. Frank was thanked by Paul Meier.
Vice President Paul Meier addressed the Club with a few jokes. Shown in the background to the left is the Club's new banner which was well received by the membership.
Gordon Dempsey (right) was presented his 15-year pin by President Frank McCarey. The photo op also gave President Frank a chance to show off the Club's new PROBUS banner.
Gerald O'Brien, on the right side, introduces a guest Graham McDonald to his left. At the table, to Graham's left, is William Covert, Gordon Dempsey, and Robert Taylor. Back row is Don LeBlanc on the left and Peter Gaulton.
On Jan. 17, 2024 meeting V.P. Paul Meier introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Cornel Ceapa, who operates the Acadian Caviar & Sturgeon Inc. He has an extensive background in the study of Sturgeon reproduction and operates hatchery that He built from the ground up and was able to acquire financial support when he initially developed his research plan and pursued his Caviar business. He pointed out that Sturgeon is an incredibly unique fish, and their evolution has been quite unique. He advised that China was #1 in Caviar production followed by Russia. Cornel provided some remarkably interesting information related to Sturgeons and Caviar.
The above picture is of Mr. Cornel Ceapa of Acadian Caviar & Sturgeon Inc. standing beside a specimen of a Sturgeon.
Following answering questions, Cornel provided samples of Caviar and Sturgeon meat to Members in attendance which was the first time to taste for some.
Carl White thanked him for the Presentation.
In the Jan. 2024 Phoghorn, Editor Tom Craig informed the membership that we lost two great and long time PROBUS members. Our condolences to their families. They will be missed by our Club.
Captain Thorbjorn Ronald Bordevik -Long time PROBUS member, passed away on December 18, 2023. Thorbjorn was a past president of PROBUS and was a member since 1999. A celebration of life was held on Friday, January 12th, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Reversing Falls Restaurant.
Ron Pierce has passed away. Ron was in Australia visiting his daughter for the Christmas season. He flew down to Australia on December 15th, 2023. He planned on staying until the end of January. Ron has been a member since 2016.
The annual Christmas lunch was held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay on December 13th, 2023. A large number of members were in attendance for the meeting with a fair number staying for the lunch.
As usual, we had a sing along with Barry Snodgrass, featuring songs of the season. After the morning break, we were joined by the Saint John String Quartet. Several Christmas songs were expertly played with a sing along as well. The members were presented a token of our appreciation on behalf of PROBUS.
Danielle thanked everyone and stated they will be back next year for sure. Members of the group were: Danielle Sarnetz, Ali Leonard, Stephen Mott, and Chris Yoon. It was noted member Chris Buckley was having some health issues and was not present.
Secretary Carl White and President Frank McCarey (top photo) opened the meeting with the group sing along under the leadership of Choir Master Barry Snodgrass.
On the left, Wes Cosman, Fred Shillington and Brian Mitchell share some conversation during break time.
Robyn E. Humphries posses. What he really saying"no more pictures"
Paul Meier introduced the Guest Speaker, Ray Gracewood, President, Area 506 Ventures at the Oct. 18, 2023 meeting. Ray confirmed he was the founder and Chairperson of Area 506 and that the concept began with the thought that Saint John needed an event that would target us as a destination site, such as the Harvest Blues Festival has become for Fredericton. It was a vision that Saint John could encompass three elements for such an Event - Music, Culture and Goods (with a focus on local products through such companies as Moosehead, Crosby's and Ganong's).
A key element for success was to attract corporate sponsorship, which proved successful. Also, support was acquired through the Provincial and Federal Governments, with backing of course from the Port of SJ. They were able to acquire the containers through negotiations with suppliers who would be delivering goods in containers to our area, but they were willing to make the empty containers available. There are fifty-six containers on site and the work needed to convert them into workable sites for vendors was completed by local trades people.
On June 8, 2022, the current site was opened and identified as AREA 506 Waterfront Container Village! The Tourism Industry of Canada has awarded the prestigious Innovator of the Year Award. The site is not only open to Cruise Ship passengers, but also local people.
Following questions from Members, Brian Mitchell thanked Ray for the informative presentation.
This being PROBUS MONTH, a cake was in order.
Wes Cosman, birthday boy, followed by Sid Lodhi and David Flewelling enjoy the meeting.
Eric Johnson, Robyn Humphries and Willard Buckley do as well.
Wes Cosman, one of our PROBUS members, celebrated his 90th birthday a few weeks ago. A large celebration was held, and many friends and family dropped by the recreation center located in South Bay. A few of the PROBUS members showed up to congratulate and have some treats. Not only a birthday cake but three cakes were on the table. All were good!
Eric Johnson was presented with his PROBUS pin by Frank McCarey, President.
Gerald (Gerry) Barnett
The Club lost a long time member and Probus supporter on Oct. 27, 2023. Gerry Barnett was the Chair of the organizing Committee for the creation of our Club along with Rotary Club of Saint John members Reverend Lloyd Lake, Gordon White, and Bill Brydges who completed his working committee. During the Rotary District convention held at the Algonquin Hotel in May, 1992, Past District Governor, Stan Steeves of the Moncton Rotary Club, challenged Past District Governor, Gerry Barnett, of the Saint John Rotary Club to start a PROBUS Club in Saint John during the new Rotary year (commencing in July with the installation of the new management group). Since the wager was $1.00, Gerry met the challenge and sprang into action.
The committee adopted a critical path format and, with each member assigned a definite task, invited a large group of prospects to attend an information session at the Park Plaza Motel in early September. A committee from the PROBUS CLUB in Moncton attended the meeting and provided an effective presentation on “PROBUS Life and Activities”. From that first meeting several events evolved including - (A) Bill Bartlett became the first President. (B) Mac Pike was installed as the first Vice President. (C) The PROBUS CLUB of Saint John charter was established. (D) Moncton PROBUS CLUB was instrumental in forming the Saint John PROBUS CLUB. (E) Of the forty-four prospects who showed up forty-three joined the club and, of course, are charter members. (F) The Park Plaza Motel became the first home of the club. (The following year we moved to the Sulky Club at Exhibition Park Raceway, and now our home is the Boys' & Girls' Club of Saint John) (G) Past District Governor of Rotary, Stan Steeves paid Past Governor, Gerry Barnett the famous $1.00 bet (cash, reportedly). From that great start, the PROBUS Club of Saint John hit the deck running and has never looked back.
Obituary of Gerald Evan Barnett
It is with profound sadness that the family of Gerald Barnett, devoted husband of the late Doreen Barnett, announces his passing which occurred on October 27, 2023 at the Saint John Regional Hospital. Born on April 16, 1926, in Hillsborough, NB, he was the son of the late Fen and Beryl (Hoar) Barnett.
Gerald was a successful businessman with much of his focus on Saint John car dealerships. But somehow, he made time to help improve the lives of many others by active involvement with Rotary (District Governor), United Way (Chairman), Probus Club (Founding Chair) and St. David’s United Church (Fundraising Chair) among other organizations.
It is impossible to remember Gerald without also thinking of his wife, Doreen. Whether in the church choir, on the golf course or travelling around the world, they were constantly at each other’s side. They were happily married for 73 years. Their 14 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren were an important part of their lives. And Gerald knew the birth date of every one of them from memory!
Gerald will be remembered fondly as a gentle, kind, and caring man with a quick wry sense of humour devoted to his family and above all, to his wife Doreen.
Gerald is survived by his son, Alan (Claire) Barnett of Halifax, NS; his daughters: Betty (Bill) Dever of Rothesay, NB, Debbie (Neil) Greenacre of Bellingham, WA, Sandra (Mike) Ryall of Kingston, NB, and Linda (Dave) Kent of Hampton, NB; grandchildren: Nicole, Adam, Christopher, Jennifer, Josh, Thomas, Kristen, Lisa, Amanda, Jessie, Katelyn, Leah, Keri and J.D.; fifteen great-grandchildren; as well as several nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Besides his parents, Gerald is predeceased by his brother Don.
The family wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to the team at the Saint John Regional Hospital and, Crissy Wadman and Gloria Johnson for making Gerald as comfortable as possible during his last days. Friends are invited to join the family in a Celebration of Gerald’s Life between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023, at the Kennebecasis Funeral Home, 152 Pettingill Rd. Quispamsis (849-2119). Donations made in memory of Gerald may be given to The Saint John Community Food Basket.
The tour started at Lilly Lake near this Monument, "Day of Mourning Monument"of injured or killed workers that occurred on the job or at the work place. Very impressive.
This is the trolly bus that was used for the tour. Our first stop was on Mount Pleasant Avenue. During the busy times of the wooden boats that docked at our Saint John Harbor, used ballast in the lower holds of the ship. "Ballast" used in the ship, provided "stability" on the high seas. At each port, it was unloaded because it was not required any more. This ballast was used as "fill" on many properties in the Saint John area. This stone wall is a classic example of the larger stones that were used to make up retaining walls from the ballast of ships. This wall extends around the corner for another 30 meters.
The next planned stop was the Reversing Falls. We were fortunate to arrive when the falls were in full retreat to the harbour. Did you know: to the right, the river bottom drops 25 meters at his point and another 40 meters just passed the Bridge. This is where the name "Reversing Falls" came from?
Our next stop was the "Carlton Martello Tower". This sits on a high point of land in West Saint John that commands a full view of the outer and inner harbour. A drawing shows the interior layout. This was in used during the war of 1812, I believe. It was also used during the WWII with a concrete house added to the top. Of all the Towers built across Canada, this is the only one with the concrete house added, and that makes it unique. The tower was not open as it is undergoing maintenance/repairs. Repairs are supposed to be completed for the 2024 season.
A typical view of the interior of the living quarters at Martello Tower.
In this picture, the storage tanks for the ships to unload Bulk Crude Oil can be seen just above Parkridge island, on the left side and a bulk oil carrier on the horizon.
Our last stop was to the park now called WOLASTOQ, which means the St. John River. This is the former location of the Provincial Hospital. It commands a fantastic view of the Saint John River as the water begins its flow to the harbour, and the Bay of Fundy. This cycle of "reversing" occurs twice a day and ever day.
Legend has it a Beaver has built a dam at the mouth of the St. John River. The write up explains the situation but Koluskap, after several warnings to dismantle the dam, Koluskap, smashed the dam so water could flow. Then you have the Reversing Falls as we know it today.
Most members of the tour did stay for lunch at Lillies located a Lilly Lake Restaurant. On the right we have Paul Meier and Bernard Cormier enjoying a cool drink. Paul was the organizer and presented a gift on behalf of PROBUS to Paul-Emile Chiasson of Aquila Tours.
The PROBUS AGM was held on July 21st, 2023 at an unusual place. It was considered our last meeting until September, so an unusual place was chosen. The place was called the FOGHORN Pub. Spelled differently but that was OK. About 23 members present. Food was brought in and of course, samples of the many craft beers were available for testing. Host Stephen Russell explained the workings of the Brewery.
Paul Meier introduced our guest speaker, Steve Russell, CO-owner of The Foghorn Brewing Company. Andrew Estabrooks is the other CO-owner. Steve gave an interesting presentation. The initial planning for the brewery started in 2015 with the opening taking place two years later. Foghorn products are marketed in Provincial Liquor Stores and retail grocery stores as well as the Brew Pub on Clark Road.
In the Top picture is newly elected President Frank McCarey thanking Stephen for his remarks, hospitality, and for hosting us.
An election for the upcoming year for Officers was held. No new nominations were made prior to the deadline as outlined in the "Rules and Regulations" of The PROBUS Club so the recommendations from Nominating Committee were accepted. A motion was made by Frank McCarey and seconded by Paul Meier and passed by those in attendance to accept the slate of Officer as outlined in the report given by the Nominating Committee. Motion carried.
Outgoing President Don Mitchener had the following remarks to make in the conclusion of his year as President:
"I am taking this opportunity to again acknowledge everyone's participation in our meetings this year; to recognize everyone's flexibility in adapting to a multitude of logistical uncertainties, if not unpredictability; and more importantly to thank this year's executive, along with Tom and Willard, for their continuing support and contributions. It has been an honor and a privilege to be a participant in this year's successes and I look forward to helping our new executive surpass this year's accomplishments. Enjoy the summer! Many thanks, Don."
. Lunch was offered with many options. Equipment can be seen in the background. Very clean operation. PROBUS Members decided to taste some of the various brews that were on tap.
A great time had by all in attendance!
Paul introduced Mike Caddell, former General Manager of Harbour/TD Station as the Speaker for the May 17, 2023 meeting. Mike spoke about his experience as General Manager and the role he played during his 30 years plus that he was employed there. He advised that prior to being employed at the Station he had worked at the Hilton and Trade and Convention Centre. Mike spoke about how the main sources of the Station came from Events, Concession sales and onsite parking fees. The City of Saint John and the outlying Communities also contributed to the financial stability of the Station. Mike indicated that it was hard for the Station to compete with Moncton, because the Moncton facility had a direct relationship with Ticketmaster and a Management Group that had major dollars. Mike took questions from some Members. Mike was presented with a gift and thanked for his presentation by Carl White .
The Club was sorry to report the passing of one of our PROBUS members, Greg Sinclair on March 21, 2023, after a brief illness. Greg was 71 years old and had been a member of PROBUS since 2018. There was no Funeral, but a Celebration of Life was held at Saint David's Church on March 24th, 2023.
Paul Meier confirmed that the June 21st meeting with a 10:30 am start, would be held at the Foghorn Brewing Company at 47 Clark Road in Rothesay and that they have sufficient space to accommodate those in attendance and arrangements will be made for lunch to be available. He confirmed that the Owner, Steve Russell would be speaking. Members were advised that the cost would be $15 and that they could pay their fee to Ed Creaser at this meeting if they planned to attend.
President Don Mitchener, Secretary Carl White assisting, welcomed and presented new members with PROBUS pins and a copy of information on PROBUS. In the blue shirt is new member Gordon Burnett on the left and Blair MacDonald is on the right .
Part of the group of 24 that stayed for a good meal.
Four of our PROBUS members at the local UCT Golf tournament in June, 2023. On the left is Chip Lawton, Don LeBlanc, John Doyle and Wes Cosman. No word on the scores , yet.
At the April 19, 2023 meeting of Probus, Frank McCarey introduced Bev Harrison as the Speaker for the meeting. Bev spoke about Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of Great Brittan and gave some highlights regarding his leadership qualities and indicated the Queen Elizabeth referred to him as the "Greatest Englishman of all Time". Bev noted that Churchill had a quick wit and enjoyed a drink now and then and had a fondness for cigars. It was indicated that Churchill was very talented and had a great mind for war strategy. Also, that he had a great gift of being able to bring the Nation together through World War II with his inspirational speeches, that he crafted himself. In 1953, Churchill was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Literature and upon his death in January 1965, he was honored with a State Funeral by Queen Elizabeth. Bev also commented about the leadership abilities of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in comparison to Churchill and both had the resolve "to win at any cost".
Vice President, Frank McCarey welcomes new member Larry Timms to PROBUS SJ.
This is one of the best times of the meeting…eating our lunch! Walking to the line on the left is Robert Taylor, followed by the back of the line, Paul Meier, Fred Shillington, Ed Creaser, Wes Cosman, guest, Eric Johnson, Pat Gallagher.
Note from J.C. Robert Lockhart (March 15, 2023): The sjprobus .ca Web site was moved over to the Integrant servers a couple weeks ago, and for the most part has been tested and is working fine. Once again, a thankyou to Preponse Technologies Inc. for hosting our site since its creation in 2003.
Our Guest speaker for the Mar. 15, 2023 meeting was Dean Mullinwho talk about all the changes taking place in the field of taxes for 2022 and beyond.
Members tentatively listening during the Guest speaker Dean Mullin's talk on taxation.
Carl White, on the left, presents Peter Gaulton with his PROBUS membership pin. Peter is a retired accountant.
At the Feb. 15, 2023, the President introduced our Guest Speaker, Alyssa Long, Executive Director, The New Brunswick Medical Education Foundation Inc. She then explained the goals of the Foundation and her presentation was very informative. In summary, she explained that the Foundation’s Mission was to attract the best Medical Students to study and practice in New Brunswick. It was also their Mission to engage and encourage, New Brunswick Medical Students studying outside the province to return to practice in New Brunswick, and that Physician retention is an important aspect of the work they do. It was indicated that through their Foundation, Scholarships were available to those wishing to enter the medical field. Alyssa acknowledged that the health system was in crisis, but that New Brunswick was holding its own against other Provinces. A few Members asked Alyssa questions at the end of her Presentation. She was thanked by John Doyle on behalf of the Members.
Call to Order - 11:10am - Don Mitchener, President, opened the meeting at 11:10 AM. The meeting commenced with the singing of O Canada. There were 22 members in attendance. Don commented on the death of David Jory pictured above. Don indicated that the Presentation by Liz Meier provided the Members with some great information and reminded us that we all need to take positive steps to look after our health. It was advised that our Website will be monitored by a new source and that the cost will be $150-$200 and that the proceeds from the 50/50 draw will help offset this cost. Don advised that he will be holding a meeting with the Executive to discuss the transition of the President's position and other Executive positions as needed as we go into our AGM in April. He indicated that he will not be reoffering as President. Also, there will be discussion as to the possible meeting agenda for May and June. A vote was held regarding the continuation of Members drawing numbers for table assignments and the majority voted to continue this practice.
Three PROBUS members enjoying lunch, Peter Gaulton on the left, followed by Robert Taylor and Fred Shillington.
Alyssa Long, our guest speaker, was invited to stay for lunch. Seated to the left of Alyssa are, Don Mitchener, president, followed by David Flewelling, Donald LeBlanc and Carl White.
As part of the new initiative of Members sharing some details about their working careers or life experiences, Carl White pictured above and Frank McCarey shared some thoughts. It was suggested by Paul Meier that perhaps we could accumulate a binder containing some basic details of each Member for future reference. Paul also noted that an attempt would continue to recruit new Members and that currently we have 58 Members, which includes those we have been able to recruit over the last while. Paul further stated that it could be possible to conduct seminars in September, October, and November on the topic of Successful Retirement, and that a volunteer would be needed to assist in coordinating this project.
Our guest speaker for the Jan. 18, 2023 meeting was Liz Meier, a Nutritionist. Liz is the wife of Club Vice President Paul Meier. She talked about how important it was to maximize our lives by maintaining a healthy mind and body. She advised that we not only have to eat well, but also, we must keep our bodies and minds active as much as possible. She fielded questions from members and her presentation was very informative. She was thanked by Frank McCarey on behalf of the Members.
Charts used during the presentation to signify-before and after life styles.
Five Club members chatting just before the start of the meeting. John McMillan in the green sweater, followed by to his left, Fred Shillington, new member John Teed, VP Frank McCarey and David Ellis in gray sweater.
Our guests for the Dec. 14,m 2023 Christmas meeting at the Villa Madonna were the Saint John String Quartet who were introduced and played a selection of Christmas songs that were enjoyed by those in attendance. They were thanked by Frank McCarey, who presented each with a gift. Each of the members of the group were invited to say for dinner.
Don Michener and Carl White presented Members with their years of membership pins. Seven PROBUS members line up to receive service pins. On the left, Secretary Carl White, Dale Stevens-15 yr. pin, Bill Covert 10 yrs., Gary Watson 5 yrs., Chip Lawton 5 yrs., Ed Creaser 5 yrs., Don LeBlanc 5 yrs. and President Don Mitchener. Wes Cosman for 25 yrs. but was tied up with registration and missed his picture being taken.
Light snow was following but some thirty-five members showed up for the Christmas Meeting & lunch.
Ron Pierce in the foreground and Robert Taylor on the left followed by guest Peter Trembley, Jim Shillington and Brian Mitchell.
Peter Morris all smiles for the Turkey Dinner with David Jury in the background.
At the Nov. 16, 2022 meeting, Vice President Paul Meier introduced the Speaker Steve Palmer, former Chief of the KV Police Department. Steve spoke about problems in the Police Forces due to changing regulations over the years and lack of funding. Steve was thanked by Frank McCarey, who presented him with a gift.
Over the last number of years, the String Quartet played to our entertainment at the Christmas meeting of PROBUS. As it turns out, two members are retiring from the Quartet but not giving up playing anytime soon. David and Sonja Adams are pictured below. PROBUS wishes you all the best in the future and say "Thank you" for your beautiful music over the years.
David and Sonja Adams say they've had some memorable moments in their careers which brought them to Saint John as stages around the world. (Submitted by Symphony New Brunswick)
David and Sonja Adams can recall the day 35 years ago when they were attending a summer music camp in Ontario and were asked by the director if they would be interested in going east to join Symphony New Brunswick. "We kind of knew where New Brunswick was," David said, but they weren't really familiar with the area since David grew up in Winnipeg and Sonja in Vancouver. They didn't give it much thought at first, said David, but after a while, they decided it would be a chance to work together in the music industry. So off they went to Saint John
Reported by: Hannah Rudderham · CBC News · Posted: Nov 19, 2022 8:00 AM AT | Last Updated: November 19
President Don presents the past President's plaque with Don Leblanc's name added as past president. Membership drive.
Paul Meier update the members on the Membership drive. Bob Purdy assisted.
Ed Creaser talking to Robert Taylor during the coffee break. Ed is current Treasurer and Robert was Past Treasurer.
Paul Meier introduced our special speakers for the Oct. 19, 2022 meeting, Chris Ryan, Crown Prosecutor and Rheal Levesque, Police Officer They talked about Driving While Impaired Laws (DWI) and the process used by Police Officer to detect when someone may be under the influence to a degree. It was indicated that since 2018 the law was amended to put the Mandatory Screening Process (M.A.S.) They demonstrated how a Breathalyzer test is administered and advised that the range for punishment for those deemed who test beyond the acceptable levels varies from loss of driving privileges, monetary fine, their vehicle impounded and jail time. Frank McCarey thanked them for their Presentation and were presented with a gift.
A new seating arrangement was tried this meeting to encourage mingling with other members that members may not had the opportunity previously to meet. It seems to have worked well.
President Don Mitchener spoke to the membership at the opening of the meeting welcoming all. Note the heavy rain on the windows in the background. The Club still had thirty-two or so members brave these conditions to attend the first meeting in our new temporary location with a view of half of Saint John when its not raining.
This was a view of the temporary meeting/luncheon area. The hotel was undergoing major renovations. In the foreground is Carl White, blue sweater, Frank McCarey on the left, new member Eric Johnson, David Flewelling, Wes Cosman and Ed Creaser.
On September 20th, 2022 the Saint John PROBUS club celebrated its 30th anniversary as a club. Our President, Don Mitchener hosted the noon hour events. A special meeting / dinner was held at the Saint John Union Club on Germain Street. Attendance was particularly good with forty-four members and guests. Also, at this meeting four of the founding members were presented with framed 30th year certificates of this event. Recipients were Mack Pike, Gerald Barnett, Gordon White and a 4th member recently passed away, John Cook, His certificate will be delivered to his daughter shortly. One of the highlights of the meeting was to present our web master, J.C Robert Lockhart, with a lifetime membership to the Saint John PROBUS Club.
Invited guests were Donna Reardon, Mayor of Saint John, J.C. Robert Lockhart and his wife Carolyn, Jay Kimball- President of Saint John Rotary, Mary Campbell-PROBUS Regional Director, Andre Welland-Pres-Elect Rotary Rothesay, Colleen Donahue-PROBUS Women’s Pres. (had a slight accident and was unable to attend), Special speaker, Craig Esterbrooks -President and CEO of Saint John Port Authority, Mack Pike – 30-year member, Gordon White – 30-year member-unable to attend. Gerald Barnett-30-year member-unable to attend. A special thank you for all members that were part of the “30th year planning” was noted by our President Don and special thank you to Chairman, Willard Buckley.
Members had pre-ordered their choice of meals, salmon, or turkey. By all account, the meals were well received. This was followed by desert with coffee/tea. Our guest speaker, Craig Esterbrooks, presented some insight as to what was happening at our local port and what will occur in the near future. Craig was born and raised in Saint John and was educated here in addition to Bachelor of Arts (UNB) and Master of Arts (Dalhousie) in political science. He has recently achieved alumni status at Harvard Business School having completed its Comprehensive Program in Leadership Development. (PLDA) His talk was highly informative and provide some insight what it takes to operate a world class shipping port. This was followed by a question period. It well received.
PROBUS President, Don Mitchener was the chair for the 30th Anniversary meeting, and started the meeting by welcoming all, and introducing the special guests including JC Robert Lockhart & his wife Carolyn, Mayor Donna Reardon, Mary Campbell- Probus Regional Director, Mack Pike- a founding member, Jay Kimball- President of Saint John Rotary, Andre Welland- President Elect of Rothesay-Kings Rotary, Craig Bell Esterbrooks- Port of Saint John and our guest speaker, and Barry Snodgrass.
Don the a addressed the meeting with the following remarks:
The opportunity to maintain associations and friendships and grow new ones has long been an appealing attribute of PROBUS. However, as a number of members have recently noted, many of us tend to sit with those we already know. In response to those comments from members, the executive have decided to try something different for a few meetings .
For the next several meetings, when members enter the meeting room they will draw a number that will designate the table they will sit at for that meeting. The hope is that there will be some members at you "assigned" table that you don't know well and will get to know better over the course of the meeting. After a number of meetings, we will canvass the membership and decide whether to continue the (new) process or revert to self-selection of tables.
Our planned speaker for October has spoken to over 60 Probus clubs. His topic is Canadian Inventions/inventors. A lot of fascinating and interesting facts about things like peanut butter, basketball, paint roller, maybe even hockey. A lot of invention stories to consider but too many to cover. He has written a book on the topic and other clubs have allowed him to sell some books at their meeting. We have agreed to allow him to do that at this meeting, thinking some of us would like to learn more about his topic and maybe even buy a copy for ourselves or as a gift for our children or grandchildren.
Mayor of Saint John, her worship, Donna Reardon, delivered a welcome message to members on behalf of the City of Saint John and Common Council.
Approximately 40 of the Membership were in attendance & seen above looking on at the start of the special 30th meeting.
PROBUS member J.C. Robert Lockhart was presented a lifetime Membership to our PROBUS club. On the right, Gordon Dempsey, J.C. Robert Lockhart, President Don, and Carl White Secretary of PROBUS SJ.
Gordon Dempsey did the presentation to Robert:
Robert Lockhart, Carolyn, and President Don Mitchener,
On behalf of President Don Mitchener and, Probus Club of Saint John, I have been asked to introduce Robert Lockhart and his wife Carolyn. Robert and Carolyn, would you please come forward….. I have known Robert through Rotary since the early 80's and at that time he worked at NB Tel. He also spent a lot of time on the road and as a result he was unable to make all meetings. In days past it was tradition to attend all regular meetings and it was important and well recorded. Robert is known for his long standing record of perfect attendance. If he could not make a meeting, he would do a make-up at another club. Now that is a quality and dedication not often seen today.
When he joined Probus he served on the Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls Club of Saint John. Over many years, Robert continued to service the Rotary and the Probus Club's websites. His continued help for those who may have been tasked to keep other websites updated as well, and that has been surely appreciated. On retirement, he moved to Sussex and has always kept the web site operational.
Robert to show our appreciation I would like to ask our President, Don Mitchener to come forward and assist in the presentation of "The Life Member Award".
In Robert's remarks, he said he saw members at the gathering who were much more deserving of such an honor than himself, but at the same time, he said it is always nice to be recognized by your friends. For this he thanked the Club for this honor.
He also forgot to mention at the time, and does so now, that he had been in touch with Tanya Gallant, who developed the Club's website, this past June 22, 2022 when he heard of this recognition. Below are the Messenger transcripts of this correspondence with Tanya:
ROBERT was also presented a late recognition from Probus Centre- Canada Inc. from 2008! For some reason, it was never presented, and we will never know that reason. It just became known a while back and only fitting to present it formally. Carl White and President Don made that presentation.
Mack Pike above displays his 30th certificate with President Don and Carl White.
Unable to attend and receive 30th anniversary certificates were Gordon White & Gerald Barnett. Certificates were taken to their residences for presentation. Above, one of PROBUS founding member, Gordon White, has his certificate delivered in person and we took this photograph. Gordon was pleased and expects to be back at the meeting sometime.
One of PROBUS'S founding members, Mack Pike, says a few words on his presentation of a special certificate commemorating 30 years as a member of PROBUS Saint John. At the podium, on the left is Mack Pike, President Don, and Carl White. Head table on the left, with Mayor Donna Reardon and Mary Campbell looking on. Mary Campbell is the PROBUS Regional Director.
A presentation to PROBUS Saint John congratulating on the 30th anniversary was noted by Mary Campbell, regional director for PROBUS with President Don and Willard Buckley, on the right.
On this occasion we had four past presidents of PROBUS S.J. up to the present. On the right side is Robert Taylor, (2015,2016,2017) Brian Mitchell, (2009-2010) Don LeBlanc,(2019-2020-2021) Mack Pike (1993-1994) and Don Mitchener(2023) Past president Ed O'Keefe (2017-2018-2019) had to leave the meeting early on another matter.
Craig Esterbrooks, foreground, J.C. Robert Lockhart and wife Carolyn on the right. Andre Welland with mask, and Barry Snodgrass to his right.
Special speaker, CRAIG ESTERBROOKS, CEO of the Port of Saint John, gave a very interesting talk on the Port of Saint John, and all the success it has experienced in growth the past couple of years with with a most informative talk on the local port with behind-the-scenes operations. Very well done.
On the right, Gary Watson, Don Lebanc, Robert Purity, David Ellis and John McMillian.
Members seated prior to the start of the meeting.
Susan Tipper and Mike Walton were the guest Presenters at our June 15, 2022 meeting who spoke about the PALS En Route to Success high school program that engages students from priority neighborhoods.
The Program provides a 4-year high school learning opportunity that is project based, hands-on and experiential. Susan explained that the program started 20 years ago, under the leadership of Deb Fisher, at the elementary school level and she became involved twelve years ago following her retirement from a long career within the local school District and upon receiving a call from JK Irving.
It was indicated that the initial focus was on St. Malachy's, but has expanded to Saint John High this year under the guidance of Mike. It was indicated that local employers are engaged as much as possible and that it is the intent to place students in job placement positions through Co-op placements with the intent to enable the students to develop marketable skills for their future, whether it be for post-secondary education programs at NBCC, University or interest in the Military. It was indicated that while there has been a lot of success with the Program, unfortunately there are those who fail for various reasons. Susan gave an example of one parent who saw the positive impact was having on her son and she asked if there was a way, she could get enrolled in a GED Program and was given the information and support to do so.
They were introduced by Paul Meier and thanked by Don Mitchener.
At each meeting, 50/50 tickets are sold with 50% of the winnings going into Club General revenue for Club operations, and the balance to see the smile on the winner of the ticket holder when drawn. Pictured above is VP Paul Meier selling tickets to Willard Buckley and Ed Creaser as they enter the meeting.
President Don Mitchener welcomes the membership to the June 15th monthly meeting of the Club just prior the Annual General Meeting portion of the agenda.
VP Paul Meier addresses the club as Robert Taylor (far left), Carl White, and President Don Mitchener listen attentively.
Some members share some stories prior to the meeting with Willard Buckley standing, Gary Watson in plaid shirt, and Brian Mitchell in the background getting a coffee.
Our PROBUS CLUB had an outing on June 08th of 2022. Ten members ventured to the HUNTSMAN MARINE SCIENCE CENTRE in St. Andrews NB. Members that were able to attend were: Don LeBlanc our president, Chip Lawton, David Flewelling, Ron Pearce, Tom Craig, Brian Mitchell, Sid Lodhi, Ed Creaser, Paul Meier, and Don Mitchener. This followed up by lunch at the Red Tide Pub in downtown St. Andrews. Reports indicate it was very enjoyable. The most heard comment was “ we should do this more often".
Tom Craig, our Phoghorn editor, made this statement in the August, 2022 Phoghorn: "This sign says it all. While my first visit was many years ago, it was entirely different. This facility has improved in many ways. We are lucky to have this nearby."
The ten Probus members gathered in the lobby before the tour commenced.
From left to right; Ed Creaser, Sid Lodhi, Brian Mitchell, Chip Lawton, Don LeBlanc, and Don Mitchener
Ed Creaser, Chip Lawton, David Flewelling, John Doyle, Brian Mitchell, and Ron Pearce pictured under the Orca Whale.
Did you know that Orcas are actually from the “Dolphins” family?
Chip Lawton, Ed Creaser and John Doyle engage in some conversation at the lower lever of the displays.
Members looking at the shallow pool where different smaller creatures are living in their habitant. Star fish is one. We soon found out that these are display only and no touching allowed.
At the Club's May 18th, 2022 meeting, two speakers gave presentations. The first, Terry West, a city employee who is helping develop the Area 506 Festival and Venue. The site has fifty-four sea containers which have been renovated to provide space for several vendors. The site will be used for various entertainment functions in addition to the Area 506 Festival. While Saint John is hosting The Memorial Cup, several entertainment events will take place on the waterfront. Saint John will have television exposure on TSN over the 11 days of The Memorial Cup Tournament.
The second speaker was Emily Murphy who is a city employee as a Parks Liaison Manager. The city received $4.6 million in gas tax revenue which will be used to enhance Rockwood Park, Dominion Park, Market Place, North End, Arts and Culture and Sports fields. Loyalist Plaza will be rebuilt, and trees will be planted in various neighborhoods.
Terry was thanked by Vice President Frank McCarey and presented with a gift, and Gordon Dempsey thanked Emily Murphy for her presentation.
On the left, 2nd Vice president PAUL MEIER, 1st Vice President FRANK McCAREY, President DON MITCHENER, Secretary CARL WHITE, Treasurer ED CREASER, Assistance Secretary, CHIP LAWTON.
An election for the upcoming year for officers was held. No new nominations were made prior to the deadline as outlined in the "Rules and Regulations" of the PROBUS Club so the recommendations from the Nomination Committee were excepted. A motion was made by Howard Pearn, seconded by Gordon Dempsey, and passed by those in attendance to accept the slate of officers as outlined above by the Nominating Committee.
President Don LeBlanc spoke at length about his time in office over the past three and a half years. Don found the challenge rewarding and thanked those who stepped up to assist and keep things running especially with all the pandemic restrictions. Don mentioned the teamwork, social interaction, connectivity, education, staying alert and in contact with old and new friends as positives that the membership receives from PROBUS.
President Don Mitchener Passing the Probus President pin to PP Don LeBlanc
Robert Lockhart, our webmaster, has been faithful to the Club in keeping the website up to date. It was suggested he be made an Honorary Life Member. A motion was made by Willard Buckley and seconded by Don Tompkins. Motion carried. Robert will be invited to our special September meeting for recognition.
Our guest Speaker for April 20, 2022 was Dr. Sarah Gander, Pediatrician, who is the former Clinical and Academic Head of Pediatrics in Saint John. Along with other members of the Department she co-founded the New Brunswick Social Pediatrics Research Program in 2017.
She advised that the Clinic operates out of a site on Princess Street and that they have created an Outdoor Clinic Space where Program participants may participate in the Program activities. She indicated that Program is involved with several community organizations that aim to provide better care to families and children living with difficult situations, especially poverty.
She spoke about the various Programs offered by the Program and indicated that one of the things they worked at doing was to enable women living in poverty and on income assistance to transition into the work force. She advised that her Program connects with the schools in the area to provide need services to those in need. She advised that her Group would be hosting a Gala Event on November 18 at the Cruise Terminal.
She was introduced by Don Mitchener (top left) and thanked by Brian Mitchell.
President Don LeBlanc addressed the club and gave a members update. It was reported that David Flewelling was not well; Peter Jolly was doing well in Chateau Champlain and that Frank Setchell was resigning from the Group due to health issues. The President acknowledged that Jim Shillington was in attendance following an extended absence- welcome back Jim!
Tom Craig presented the Nominating Committee's Report as to the slate of the new Executive: Don Mitchener, President (picture above), Frank McCarey, 1st Vice-President, Paul Meier, 2nd Vice-President, Ed Creaser, Treasurer, Carl White, Secretary, Chip Lawton, backup Secretary. Don LeBlanc becomes Past President. Tom also advised that there were a few members who had put their names forth to pursue other volunteer activities. Committee members were Tom Craig, Robert Taylor, and Paul Meier. Great slate gentlemen, and thanks for putting your names forward!
PROBUS Don LeBlanc welcomed two new members Bev Harrison (left) and Gerald O'Brien (right).
Bev Harrison spoke briefly about the naming of St. Patrick Street and the place names in New Brunswick which originated in Ukraine. A toast to the Irish was made by Gordon Dempsey. John Doyle thanked Gord.
On Feb. 23rd, 2022 the PROBUS Club of Saint John had its first "day trip outing" for 2022.
Locally in Saint John, a fantastic display and celebrating "Black History Month" 2022, was set up in Brunswick Square, uptown Saint John. It has been opened at this location since last June of 2021.
The local history pertaining to this area was presented by Ralph Thomas and assisted by Jemika Davidson. Local PROBUS member Carl White also assisted in the display over the last while.
The event was worth while and the Probus Club encourages everyone to take this tour in.
The PROBUS club was represented by some twenty-two members with six being from the Kiwanis Club. Some of the highlight's indicated settlements were remarkably close to Saint John with Willow Grove and Pennfield. This came as a surprise to most people there. At the conclusion of the tour, some eighteen members joined together for lunch at the Union Club, guests of John Doyle. A good day in all!
The following pictures will provide some insight to the overall history.
Ralph Thomas explaining the displays, which are organized by time periods to the group.
Local person, Maurice Eatmon, Korean Veteran, recently awarded a medal for his service during the Korean War
Pictures of local people that are well know in this area. I know three, says Tom Craig. How many do you know?
Items from the past dating back hundreds of years, donated by Carl . White and his wife Mavis along with Pat Carson.
Willow Grove settlement is located in East Saint John. A stamp by the Canadian Government was issued in Jan. 2021 A well establish settlement was located there with a Post office, General store, and a Baptist Church. They tried to provide for themselves. The buildings are all gone but a miniature replica church was reconstructed.
Don LeBlanc and Carl White
Union Club Luncheon after outing after tour.
At our Feb. 16th, 2022 meeting, John Doyle introduced own Probus member, Paul Meier, our guest speaker, who gave a very interesting compilation of his years spent with the company, Secunda, a Halifax based company which supplies ships and equipment for the off shore oil industry. The company was sold to a Texas company in 2007.
Paul was thanked for his presentation by Don Mitchener.
Top photo shows that there was a good turn out for the February meeting. In the bottom photo are a fine looking group posing for the photographer- On the left, David Jory, Ed Creaser, Robyn Humphries & Carl Tompkins
Pat Gallagher gives the photographer a smile during the break!
It was good to see Richard Burpee back at the meetings. (blue shirt)
During the meeting, two new members were inducted and are shown seated listening to the presentation. Paul Meier introduced Dennis Skidmore (left), a long time business associate, motorcycle enthusiast and riding partner. Don Mitchener introduced Gerry O'Brien (right) who had been a partner with the law firm of Cox and Palmer, and is now retired.
In lieu of a Guest Speaker for the Dec. 15, 2021 Christmas meeting, the members in attendance, were entertained by the Saint John String Quartet, who played several Christmas selections and at times invited those in attendance to sing along. Our meeting was held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House, Rothesay NB.
It has been several years that this Quartet group has returned to entertain the PROBUS members Enjoyment was obvious by the attention of the members. Well done!
Carl Thompkins thanked each of them on behalf of the Club with a Tim’s Coffee Card in addition to a beautiful China cup.
David Adams & Sanya Adams on Violins with Chris Buckley on Viola.
These two photos show the intense concentration David Adams Violin & Danielle Sametz-Cello
President Don LeBlanc presented Tom Craig with his 5-year Service Pin. Tom has been a very active member since joining, being the publisher of our Phoghorn for some years now. We do very much appreciate the work done by Tom on behalf of our Probus Club!
Probus member Dale Stevens was recognized for having the "Best" Christmas tie in the house!
Above, Paul Meier & Ralph Woods share a few chuckles and stories with the members.
Yours truly, JC Robert Lockhart- your Webmaster, was pleasantly surprised to not only receive the above emails from both Tom & Don, but also to read them in the Phoghorn. Again, thanks for your kind words! As stated above, it is my pleasure to be able to contribute in this small way from Plumweseep. I do miss meeting in person and seeing many of my great friends.
I would also have to share these accolades and recognize the late Tom Jarrett who approached me when he was Probus President and asked if I could make this web site dream a reality, and to pay tribute to Probus Historian, the late Lou Duffley, who had the foresight to capture and catalogue the Club's history prior to the web site creation. It was the Computer Training Institute, owned by close friends Tom & Terry Brooks, and the class of 2003 & Judy Williams, their social media and web design instructor, who created the design & format of what you see today. And of course, it has been Preponse Technologies who have contributed the hosting fees for our website annually.
To say the least, it has been a team effort to document the history of the Club!
Before the lunch, we took time to have a group photo taken for historical purposes. The photo taken at the Villa Madonna Retreat House, Rothesay NB December meeting before the turkey dinner that followed.
Here are most of the members that attended:
Back row, left to right: Don Mitchener, Paul Meier, Chip Lawton, Don Connolly, David Jory, Dale Stevens, David Flewelling, Gary Watson, Robert Taylor, Howard Pearn, John Johnson, Peter Morris, Carl White, Bill Covert, John Doyle, Ed Creaser.
Front row—left to right: Barry Snodgrass, Carl Thompkins, David Ellis, Brian Mitchell, Sid Lodhi, Robert Purdy, Don LeBlanc, Gordon Dempsey, Ralph Woods, Wes Cosman, Willard Buckley, Pat Gallagher.
Kneeling: Tom Craig.
Photographer: Ron Pearce
At the conclusion of his presentation, Daryl was presented with a small gift and thanked by Wes Cosman.
Well done Daryl!
It was President Don's pleasure to introduce and present new member PAT GALLAGHER with his PROBUS information booklet.
At our Sept. 15, 2021 meeting, John Doyle introduced Mike Ross from Fredericton who in turn introducedn our Guest Speaker, Jeff Alpaugh from Fredericton. In his remarks, Mike talked about how he first came to relate to Jeff and obtaining his first custom shirt.
Jeff talked about his business JAC which designs and sells custom made suits and shirts. Jeff talked about how he at 19 yrs. of age was enrolled in the Co-op Business School and had to do his practical part of the Program at a clothing store, for which he had to buy a suit for a job interview, with which he had no luck. Through his mother he was hired for a position at Harry Rosen, an upscale clothing store in the Fredericton area. He eventually was hired by Moore’s and along the way it was suggested to him that he upgrade his wardrobe.
During the time he spent in the Military, he had an opportunity to travel to different Countries and was able to see useful design examples of shirts and suits and this raised his interest, which led him to pursue a career in designing specialty suits and shirts. Jeff talked briefly about his experience on Dragon’s Den and while he did not end up securing a deal, the experience was great.
Wes Cosman thanked both Mike & Jeff on behalf of the Club, presented Jeff a Tim’s Card and Coffee cup.
Gary Watson just celebrated his birthday, 80 years old. Happy Birthday Gary and thanks for being with us!
President Don LeBlanc presented 25 year pins to Don Mitchener and David Ellis.
PROBUS member Ron Pearce recieved his 5 year pin from President Don.
Congraulations to all!
Absent service pin awardee members were Keith Dow – 25 yrs, Jack Hickman - 20 yrs, and Fred Shillington - 15 yrs who will recieve their pins at a future meeting.
Bob Purdy and David Ellis in conversation over a coffee.
We are fortunate to have Paul Meier as a member shown here presenting a few good jokes.
Our guest speaker for the June 16, 2021 meeting was Bernard Cormier. Bernard provided a very informative background of Elizabeth II in addition to the protocols associated with Royality.
For our June 16th AGM, a large pound cake was a treat to all members for desert.
Carl White was appointed our new Assistant Secretary, assisting Secretary Chip Lawton.
Two of our PROBUS members of long standing chat prior to the start of the meeting- Don Mitchener and Brian Mitchell.
At the meeting on May 19, 2021, a presentation on behalf of the BGC was made by Khristie LeBlanc and Ben O'Neill, who gave an update as to the Club's activities. Carl White introduced them. It should be noted that the "Boys and Girls Club" is now rebranded as BGC.
Frank McCarey thanks Khrista & Ben on behalf of the Club with a token on behalf of the PROBUS Club.
New member Paul Meier was presented with his Certificate of Membership, Binder, and name Tag by President Don LeBlanc. Paul was introduced by Don Mitchener.
Willard Buckley & Fenton Keirstead, long time members, enjoying the meeting!
Three PROBUS members waiting for lunch. Left, Gary Watson, Robert Taylor & Ed Creaser.
On May 5th, 2021, PROBUS CLUB of Saint John arranged a tour of the newly open "IRVING FIELD HOUSE" in East Saint John. It is located next to the Exhibition Park grounds. The tour was scheduled previously but was postponed due the pandemic situation.
Steve MacMackin was our host and gave a history of the Field House from the beginning to the present day. Fourteen members and one guest were able to attend the tour.
Two members of the Field House staff, lead two groups in conducting a tour of the premises. Bottom line…. It has everything one would require keeping in shape no matter the level of fitness desired. PROBUS members were impressed with all aspects of the Field House. During a completive meet of soccer or similar sport, the place can be opened-up to accommodate that sport. General comment…. This place is HUGE!
After the tour was finished, 12 members went to the Montana's restaurant for lunch to help celebrate Fenton Keirstead on his 90th Birthday.
Good day for all.
The guest speaker on the Club's April 21st, 2021 meeting was Bridget Oland Crosby's Molasses. Our April meeting was well attended with Bridget Oland giving us a delightful and informative presentation about their products and the Company History of Crosby's.
Club member Peter Jolly presented Bridget with a token of PROBUS'S appreciation as guest speaker. Bridget stayed for lunch.
New member Robert Purdy is presented a membership certificate by President Don LeBlanc and David Ellis.
The meeting had 20 members, a reduction from the normal 30 to 35. Here the members listen to the chair for the business part of the meeting. It was great to see everyone!
On Mar. 30, 2021 John Doyle introduced Harold Wright who has been active over the years researching the history of Partridge Island. A quarantine station was maintained on Partridge Island for many years. All the buildings were dismantled years ago and remains of those who died there were removed. Peter Morris thanked Harold for the interesting presentation and presented him with a thank you gift.
Guest entertainment, Barry Snodgrass and Rick Watters provided Irish Music for 20 minutes. They have come to our March Meetings for several years and are greatly appreciated. John Norris thanked Barry and Rick and presented them with a gift.
Memoriams for departed members - A moment of silence was observed for Glen MacDonald, Bill Bambury, and Ian (Scottie) Thomson who died over the past few months.
We had a recognition of Happy Birthday for Sherman Palmer, not sure if he is 58 or 85. Congratulations, Sherman!
Ron Pearse and Gordon Dempsey shared some "conversation".
John Doyle tells a few jokes.
Willard Buckley introduced Kelly Evans from The Saint John Community Foundation for our Feb. 19, 2020 meeting. The Foundation was founded 44 years ago. The Foundation is an endowment fund consisting of $20,000,000. Only the income earned is used. The principal is not touched. Funds are used to support charitable organizations such as The Boys and Girls Club. A few bursaries and other funds have been created within the Foundation.
Kelly was thanked by Gordon Dempsey and presented with a PROBUS mug and Tim Hortons gift card.
Past President Ed O'Keefe (right) was presented with his Past President's Pin. Don LeBlanc received the President's Pin.
New member John Crilley was inducted by President Don LeBlanc.
Additional new members welcomed to the Club- Frank McCarey, retired General manager of Saint John Transit, and Blake Brodersen who had his shop in Brunswick Square for many years.
Last new member inducted by President Don was Mark Fisher. The new members were presented with Club Binders, Pins and Certificates of Membership.
Dr. Michael England delivers a humorous story.
Coffee time and groups forum for conversation.
Our guest speaker for the Jan. 15, 2020 meeting was Lisa Goldon, of ART INITIATIVE INC, who explains what takes place in teaching "ART" to childern. She is holding up an example of one such item with others in the background.
Robert Taylor introduced Lisa Golden of the Estey Art Initiative. Lisa gave a very interesting presentation. The organization operates in many elementary schools throughout the Province offering two hours per week of art instruction to Grade 3, 4 and 5 students. Instruction takes place after school hours and has motivated many students to become creative, interactive and self-confident. They operate in all school districts in New Brunswick. Don Mitchner who won the Club draw, donated his winnings to the Estey Art Initiative.
PROBUS member Mack Pike thanks Lisa Golden for her presentation with great sincerty and presented her a gift on behalf of PROBUS.
William Covert reading about interesting events that occurred in Saint John many years ago.
Carl Thompson tries his hand on a few jokes.
Not to be out done, Gordon Dempsey also shares a few laughs.
Prior to the sit-down Christmas dinner on Dec. 11, 2019, the Saint John String Quartet provided the entertainment for the annual Christmas dinner. It was most enjoyed by all members with a thunderous applause.
December month is also our annual Christmas dinner time. About 35 members stayed for the Christmas dinner with all the fixings. This was followed by apple pie and cookies for dessert.
During the meeting, Long Service Pins were awarded to members by President Don LeBlanc (L-R): Ralph Murray – 25 years; Carl Tompkins - 20 years; Torburn Bordevik – 20 years; Gordon Dempsey – 10 years; David Flewelling – 5 years; Fenton Keirstead – 5 years. Congratulations gentlemen!
Ralph Wood above is doing the honors with a few funnies stories.
Each year our PROBUS club makes a contribution to the Saint John Boys and Girls club. This enumeration is for $400.00. Treasurer Robert Taylor presents the cheque to Amy Shanks, Executive Director of the Club.
This past November our President Don LeBlanc was able to obtain permission to fly the PROBUS Flag on the Boys & Girls Club flag pole located in front of the building. Great job president Don.
This December meeting was just before the big day, the 25th. This guy in red showed up to enlighten our meeting- Good Old Saint Nick! It was appreciated that he dropped in for our Christmas meeting and stay awhile. Of course David Flewelling greeting Santa got his Christmas list in a little early when the opportunity presented itself!
Over 35 members lined up for the Christmas dinner and for fellowship, and a great dinner it was. Thanks!
Willard Buckley, Fenton Keirstead and Ron Pierce dig in.
Ralph Murray and our guest, Chris Buckley, serving the Christmas meal, Turkey, with all of the fixings.
Our guest speaker for November 20, 2019 was Jim Quinn of the Saint John Port Authority.
The CEO of the Port of Saint John was introduced by Peter Jolly. Jim’s presentation was informative and interesting. A $205 Million Dollar improvement program is underway. Much of the work is not visible to the public. The Port should be able to handle the largest container ships in the world when completed around 2022. Jim was thanked by John Doyle for the presentation and was given a PROBUS mug. Jim stayed a few minutes to answer extra questions.
Some of our members listening to the guest speaker, Jim Quinn.
President Don LeBlanc had the pleasure of inducting new member Mark Fisher to the Club.
Members George McCaughey on the left with Dale Stevens,and in the back John Andrews on the right during the coffee break. Not facing the camera is William Covert.
On November 13th, 2019, about 13 members of the Club were able to attend a tour of Moosehead Breweries and a merry time was had by all. The tour was about 1 hour long with several stops to quench our thirst.
Main entrance into the Brewery with giant moose. Pictured are some of the members waiting for the group to gather.
Members overlooking the packaging line.
The packaging line. This is what 1,000 cans a minute looks like! Hard to believe.
John Doyle and Chip Lawton discussing the packaging lines.
The tour was about 1 hour long with several stops to quench the member's thirst!
At the Oct. 17, 2019 meeting, Willard Buckley introduced Jason McLean of Yoga Haus which Jason owns with his wife. Yoga has many styles which Jason studied in England, then India. Some highlights include breathing practices, increasing lung capacity, good posture, all of which can help with your joints, arthritis, inflammation and elasticity. John Doyle above thanked Jason for his informative presentation.
President Don LeBlanc (above) opened the meeting with the singing of O’CANADA. President Don welcomed all members to our temporary location in the gym as the regular meeting room had priority with another larger group.
William Covert read from the DAVID GOSS'S book Saint John "SNIPPETS" on the history of days gone by:
President Don, assisted by Dale Stevens, introduced our newest member, John Watson who was welcomed by the membership.
Our immediate Past President Ed O'Keefe, left, presents Pres. Don with an updated Past President's plaque which has had his name added. The plaque is displayed in the rotary Room at the Boy's & Girl's Club.
PP Ed thanked all members for their help and support during the past two years as it was a pleasure for him to serve the Saint John PROBUS Club. PP Ed, the Club also thanks you for your dedication and hard work during your term It did not go unrecognized!.
On Sept. 18, 2019, Chip Lawton introduced our speaker for this month, Mr. Derrick Stanford, the CEO of the Saint John Airport. The S.J. Airport is a non-profit organization with a 14-member Board of Directors. The airport received its first Government assistance this year to help with modernizing the runways, which are the most modern in Canada for an airport of its size.
The airport has 17 flights per day. Sixty-five per cent of the business is business travelers. The Airport has two main runways, 5000 feet and 7200 feet. New LED lighting will improve service and allow handling during some adverse conditions.
All parking areas as well as the lounge areas have been renovated. The Airport has WIFI and several private commercial hangers. Thirteen jets are housed at The Airport. The Airport will develop a Commercial Park in the future. The Airport has an APP where you can check on flights and arrange to have a taxi.
Derrick was thanked by John Johnson and presented with a PROBUS 25-year anniversary Mug.
President Donald Leblanc and Secretary Chip Lawton at the head table with Gordon leading the members in a sing along after singing O CANADA. Our piano master, Murray Driscoll, was unable to attend this month.
President Don announced that this month we will vote on our updates for the Club by-laws and Constitution. On the social side a visit has been scheduled to the Moosehead Breweries. Our guest speaker for October will be Jim Quinn of our Saint John Port Authority. He advised that he had just returned, along with Bill Covert, from our District PROBUS Conference which was very well presented by the Halifax Club. The venue was great, and the presenters were exceptional being two Dr's: one a Physio therapist and the other a Dalhousie University Professor. The topics were on healthy aging and both were well received by all! Both Bill & Don were impressed with the material and value of these presentations! We were provided a great lunch and then we had information sessions and input sessions relating to the growth and sustainability issues regarding the continued good health of PROBUS. Our Canadian PROBUS Canada President gave a presentation about her year as President.
Gordon Dempsey introduces Mr. Allan Donaldson on left, and Mr. John Watson was introduced by Dale Stevens as our guests. Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Watson may become new members.
During the meeting, five of our members were recognizeed with service pins (L-R): David Ellis- 15 year;s Fred Shillington- 15 years; Richard Burpee- 15 years; Don Mitchener- 15 years; and Jim Shillington- 15 years. Congratulations!
Probus' guest speaker for June 15, 2019 was Wanda Hughes of The Stonehammer GEO Park.
Peter Jolly introduced Wanda Hughes, spokesperson for The STONE HAMMER GEO PARK. The Geo Park started nine years ago and covers an area of 2500 square kilometers. We have very interesting rock formations, some of which are understood to be one billion years old. Evidence of formations from South America and Africa can be found at Reversing Falls Rapids. People come from various parts of the world to study our geology. Don LeBlanc thanked Wanda and presented her with a PROBUS mug. Wanda agreed to stay for lunch and answer further questions.
Wanda's presentation was very well recieved based on the questions asked.
Vice President Don had the pleasure of welcoming new member Peter Morris who was inducted into the Clubby John Doyle in May. Peter was originally from Saint John, had been away for 45 years and recently retired from the oil company, Sunoco. Peter lives in Millidgeville. Peter gave a short talk thanking the club and is looking forward to making connections in the community.
As usual, Ron Pierce (right) sold tickets on our monthly 50/50 draw. Pter Jolly (left) is seen purchasing a ticket.
Willard Buckly and Dale Steeves are seen above discussing how great the coffee is!
Some members engaged in conversation during coffee.
Vice President Don LeBlanc calls out Sandra and Jerry of Stone Soup Catering who make the Club's annual meal, and the membereship gives them a sincere thank you.
Twice a year PROBUS donates to the Boys & Girls Club. Shown here is Vice President Don presenting a cheque to AMY SHANKS, executive Director, for $500.00 on behalf of PROBUS Saint John.
John Doyle introduced our guest speaker for the April 17, 2019 meeting was Bill Mackin, Chairman of the new Field House in East Saint John. This was a very interesting presentation. Planning began almost 10 years ago. Funding has been shared by the Government of Canada, Province of New Brunswick, City of Saint John, private fundraising, and a large donation from the Saint John Exhibition Association. The building will be fully managed by the YMCA. Memberships will include use of the Field House as well as use of the YMCA facilities. Substantial financial benefits are expected in the region and future bookings of national and local events are ongoing. Bill was thanked for the presentation and was given a PROBUS Mug by Wes Cosman.
Ron Pearce (right), the master ticket seller, selling tickets for the optional buffet lunch of Caesar Salad and Shepherd's Pie.
Gordon Mouland leading an unusual sing a long-his 93 birthday. Great milestone Gordan. Congratulations!
President Ed O'Keefe presenting Bill Hunter with his 20-year pin as a PROBUS member.
Long time Probus members Gordon Mouland, on the left, Bill Covert on the right during the mid meeting break.
Robyn Humphries, taking a break with a good coffee prior to the start of the meeting. Looks relaxed!
Our scheduled speaker for the March 20, 2019 meeting, Mary McDevitt unfortunately was delayed. Fortunately, Dr. George Whittle from The Seaside Lawn Bowling Club gave a presentation. The Club is at 510 Fundy Drive in Saint John West. George has been bowling for two years and finds it is a great social sport. The season is May to October. No equipment is required, and it takes about 1 1/2 hours. They usually have tea or coffee after. There are four lawn bowling clubs in New Brunswick. All are welcome to come and try out. If you decide to join the first-year fee is $100. George left information and invitations to try the sport.
March was PROBUS month. As per tradition, the men's and women's clubs had the PROBUS Flag flown in front of city hall for the week. It was a windy day, but the sun was warm. This year Deputy Mayor, Shirley McAlary did the honors on March 18th, 2019.
Dr. Michael England reading from the history book about facts on Saint John from days gone by.
Probus members Barry Snodgrass & Rick Watters performed some Irish tunes to the delight of the members.
Sherman Palmer talks about the senior citizens center were he and Robert Taylor volunteer a lot of hours this time of the year helping seniors prepare their income tax returns. Well done to Sherman and Robert.
Willard Buckley introduced John Debby (center) from Good Life Fitness, Quispamsis at our Feb. 20, 2019 meeting. They spoke on the benefits of keeping active and fit especially as we age. John left information about Good Life programs and opportunity to enter for a chance to win a free one month try out.
Dale Sommervile (left picture, left)introduces new member John Andrews, and Don LeBlanc (right picture, right) introduces new member Sadaqat Lohdi.
At our Jan. 16, 2019 meeting, Willard Buckley introduced Janet Scott from Enterprise Saint John speaking on economic development in our district consisting of Saint John, Quispamsis, Rothesay, St. Martins, and Grand Bay-Westfield all of which contribute to the running of the organization. A new name is to be unveiled over the next two weeks - Economic Development Greater Saint John. Janet gave a very informative power point presentation.
Probus member Wes Cosman presented Janet Scott with our Probus 25th Anniversary coffee mug.
Probus member Tom Craig (Left)welcomes Jim Jennex as our newest member with V.P. Don LeBlanc and Chip Lawson in the background.
Our second new member is Larry Korgsdale, former CEO of Connors Brothers. You may recall that was the place where our Probus group had a tour last year.
V.P. Don LeBlanc (Left) presents the 20-year pin to Gordon Young.
The above picture is the plaque on the speaker's podium made by Past President Tom Jarrett and presented to the Club some years ago.
The Dec. 12, 2018 Christmas meeting was called to order at 10:02 am by V.P. Don LeBlanc. Continuing with an annual tradition, the Saint John String Quartet featuring David Adams on violin, Danielle Sametz on violin, Sonya Adams on cello, and Chris Buckley on violin entertained the membership, and performed with a series of beautiful selections. Well done and thanks!
Gordon Mouland in the red in the background with Barry Snodgrass on the piano lead the gathering for a sing song.
It was President Ed's pleasure to induct our newest member, David Cassidy, into the club, and presented him with his certificate.
Ed then called up Greg Langille, and inducted him, and presented him with the Probus book about the Club, organization, and other informative information.
Welcome David and Greg. We know you will enjoy the fellowship!
Vice President Don LeBlanc speaks about the dinner he and his wife attended on behalf of Probus. Don also spoke about the upcoming luncheon on January 28th on "Everyone's Children" at the Delta Hotel in Saint John.
Treasure Robert Taylor, presents a cheque on behalf of Probus for the sum of $400.00, to Amy Shanks from the Boys & Girls Club.
Jim Wilson was our guest speaker for the Nov. 21, 2018 meeting, and he gave an outstanding talk on the Bay of Fundy Peter Jolly (left) introduces Jim Wilson, (the bird man) for a well received talk on our wildlife in the Bay of Fundy.
We don't realize what a treasure we have at our doorstep. Jim told about the thousands of fish that inhabit the Bay of Fundy and showed slides of the different species of whales. He described each kind. Birds are Jim's main interest and he talked about the millions of birds who fly over the Bay on their way South and North. Jim was presented a Probus coffee mug by Peter.
Bill Covert reads from "SAINT JOHN SNIPPETS". This book covers events on this day, from years past. The book was written by local history buff David Goss.
Chip Lawton, left, presents a welcome certificate as a new member of Probus to Greg Sinclair.
Chip Lawton introduced a newest member, Howard Pearn. He was presented with his certificate and pin by VP Don LeBlanc.
Chip Lawton also presented long service pins to members who were not able to attend October's meeting. They are:
10-year pin to Ron Lister and Dale Stevens
15-year pin to Glen Mac Donald
20-year pin to Randy Giffin shown in above picture
Our newest member, Howard Pearn, was off to a flying start in Probus by introducing a new member, Donald Connolly. Welcome Don!
Gordon Mouland(standing in back) leads the group in a sing along with had a St. Andrews theme.
Our first guest speaker for the Oct. 17, 2018 meeting was Jessica Smith (right), Manager (communications) of the basketball team, the Saint John Riptide. With her as 2nd speaker was Nelson Terroba, Coach of the Riptide Team. They gave us an inside to the sport you don't get from the bleachers and then handed out lots of complimentary game tickets. They were thanked by John Doyle and in turned presented with Probus Mugs.
John Doyle also introduced our third speaker, Mr. Marc Legere (right), who is editor and owner of the online Newspaper "Huddle Today" which focuses on New Brunswick news, business and what's happening. Strictly on line, its free and funded by advertising. Our Phoghorn Editor, Thomas Craig, says "having read the online edition, I would recommend it to anyone, Just Google "Huddle Today". David Flewelling (left) thanked Marc and presented him with a Probus Mug.
President Ed O'Keefe, Greg Sinclair, Chip Lawton
President Ed & David Cassidy
President ED then initiated two new members, Greg Sinclair (top photo) and David Cassidy …. welcome gentleman!
It was President Ed's pleasure to present Past President Ralph Wood with his 20-year pin.
Carl Thompkins (right) then told us more jokes from his infamous "Big Red Book".
Probus guest speaker for the Sept. 19, 2018 was Laurie Flood of the St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation. Laurie gave a very informative talk explaining the role of St. Joe's part of the Saint John medical requirements.
During the meeting, President Ed O'Keefe (left) had the pleasure of inducting Bob Goodwin as our newest member.
A project undertaken by the Executive was to purchase and present Probus pins recognizing and displaying the number of years each member has been a Probus Club member.
First to be recognized for 5 years membership were Willard Buckley, Bill Covert, Gordon Dempsey and Murray Driscoll.
Next to be presented pins for 10 years of Probus membership were David Ellis, Fred Shillington, Richard Burpee, Don Mitchener, and Jim Shillington.
15 year members Robert Taylor, George McCaughey, Tor Bordevik, and Carl Thompkins.
20 Year members Ralph Murray, Gordon Mouland, Brian Mitchell, and Keith Dow
Some Probus members received their pins earlier and a few were absent. They will be handed out in the coming meetings.
Don Mitchener (center) gave his Treasurer's report stating that we have a $352.14 deficit the Probus year 2017-2018. This will be covered with the dues for the 2018-2019 being received now. With Don are Club President Ed O'Keefe (Left) and Secretary of the month Brian Mitchell. Don has been our Treasurer for many years retiring at the end of the last PROBUS fiscal year. Thank you Don for a job well done.
A moment of remembrance was held for members who had passed away during the summer. They were Phil MacGillivray, Duane Lister, Tom Jarrett, Frank Ervin, Gerry Burke and wife of Don Mitchener, Jane.
On Tuesday, April 03/18, there was a picture and a write up concerning skiers. The article was in the Telegraph Journal and carried the head line "The not-quite-over-the-hill gang".
The importance of this that it is about two current members of Probus, Mack Pike and Fred Shillington, and former Probus members Dennis Anglin and Bert Cosman. In the above picture (L-R) are Mack Pike, 89 years of age, Dennis Anglin- 81, Charlotte Hope- 80, Bert Cosman- 90, Fred Shillington- 78, and Dawn Shillington- 80. All this proves, as they said, "your never too old to ski".
Missing from the photo is Gregor Hope who was on the hill when the photo was taken.
PROBUS is very proud of our friends!
Probus' guest speaker for Mar. 21, 2018 was Harold Write, a well known Saint John Historian. Harold (left) is pictured above with Willard Buckly, Tom Craig, and John Doyle looking at a 100 year old paper given to him by Willard.
Listening intentively to Harold are Probus members (L-R) Gordon Mouland, George McCaughey and John Doyle.
The Club was pleased to induct three new members at the march meeting: Robyn Humphries, Bob Goodwin, David Jory.
Tor Bordevik reported that March 21st was also World Down Syndrome created to raise public awareness for advocating the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down Syndrome.
As we all know, in March we celebrate St. Patrick's Day. As in past years, entertainment was provided by Rick Waters and Barry Snodgrass. Well done!
The month of March is PROBUS MONTH. As per tradition, our PROBUS flag, which is partly owned by the Ladies PROBUS Club, was flown in front of the Saint John City Hall during the week of March 19th to 24th. Our Saint John Mayor DON DARLING (third from left attaching the flag to the pulley system), was present with 8 members of the men's group. It was a breezy day with the temperatures around -10 which felt like -20 C. In no time at all, it was flying. We then retreated to a cup of hot coffee inside. The flag was retrieved about 10 days later.
On the steps of City Hall, from left to right: front row, Mayor Don Darling, Gordon Mouland, Willard Buckley, Sherman Palmer, Dale Stevens. Back row: Tom Craig, President Ed O'Keefe, Robert Taylor, Donald LeBlanc.
A view of our Probus Flag at the foot of King St. as seen from the 3rd floor of City Hall building.
Our special speaker for the Feb. 21, 2018 meeting was introduced by Don LeBlanc (right), and was one of our own, Keith Dow. Keith spoke on the events surrounding the 1755 expulsion and 1764 return of the Acadians. An active question period followed.
Gordon Dempsey thanked Keith for his detailed account, presenting him with our Club 25th Anniversary mug.
Bill Covert always does a great job reading from the "SNIPPETS" book about events that happened on this date, but about 50 to 100 years ago. At today's meeting, Bill read a February 21st, 1828, article from the "Saint John Snippets", by David Goss, as well as a June 20th, 1877 report on the Great Saint John Fire.
Carl Thompkins (Center) is at the podium with the "Fabulous Funnies" to share a bit a levity while President Ed O'Keefe (Left) and Secretary Willard Buckley (Right) listen attentively!
A memorial card was placed in front of the podium of our deceased PROBUS member, Mr. Lester Mott, for all to read.
The regular monthly of the PROBUS Club of Saint John was held Wednesday, January 17th, 2018, at the Boys and Girls Club. President Ed O'Keefe called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m., with about 35 members and guests in attendance. With special guest Barry Snodgrass at the piano, a very nattily attired Gordon Mouland led us in the singing of “O Canada”, and 4 sing-a-longs, (without the usual 'one, two, three') culminating in a solo by Gordon.
The guests were welcomed by President Ed into the Club as our our newest members: Chip Lawton (Left photo, Center), sponsored by George McCaughey; Bob Bustin (Next Photo, Center), sponsored by Tom Craig; Clayton Daye (Next photo, Center), sponsored by Mack Pike; and John Johnson (Left photo, Center), sponsored by Chip Lawton. All were presented with a New Member binder, name tag, and car decal.
President Ed addressed the membership, and advised that "So far, we have had a great start and we have increased our membership by 13 since September. Our Goal is 25 new members by the end of May. The best way to do this is to use our PROBUS Invitation Cards. It's easy to ask a friend to come and try a meeting without committing themselves. That's how you were able to get so many new members to date. With everybody’s help, we can reach this goal. The most important thing is that with a total membership of 65, our club will be solvent financially. Keep up the great work. I also want to say a special thanks to our "stay in touch committee" as they have made the attendance so great."
Past President Ralph Wood introduced our guest speaker, Victoria Clarke, Executive Director of Discover Saint John, although she stated it should be “Greater Saint John” based on what was involved. John Doyle thanked Ms. Clarke for her talk, presenting her with our Club Anniversary mug.
The regular December meeting of our 2017-2018 season was held Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at the Boys and Girls Club. President Ed O'Keefe called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m., welcoming about 36 members and guests. After the singing of “O Canada”, Gordon Mouland led us in three songs, of which two were successfully sung.
Vice President John Doyle reported on the coming months programs in 2018: January--Victoria Clark; February-- Keith Dow; March--Harold Wright and David Goss; April--Bev Franklin; May--Bernard Cormier.
A new member, Tony Brooke, was introduced by Ralph Woods and presented with his name tag. Welcome Tony.
President Ed O’Keefe presenting a cheque from PROBUS to the Executive Director of the Saint John Boys & Girls Club, Amy Shanks.
Carl Tompkins introduced The Saint John String Quartet: David Adams and Danielle Sametz--violins; Sonja Adams--cello; Christopher Buckley--viola. Carl also thanked the Quartet, presenting them each with our Anniversary mug.
Past President Robert Taylor (right) had the pleasure of introducing and inducting Sherman Potter as a new member.
The guest speaker for the Nov. 15, 2017 meeting was introduced by Secretary Willard. Michael Griffin, a long-time volunteer for the Seafarer's Mission, spoke on behalf of the Saint John Seafarer's Mission, relating their many services to the maritime community. Vice President John Doyle (right)thanked Michael Griffin for his address, presenting him with a PROBUS mug in appreciation.
On Oct. 18, 2017, there was no monthly meeting at the usual place. Instead, the Probus group went out on a tour of a local industry just a few miles down the road from Saint John. The place was CONNORS BROTHERS sardine factory located in Blacks Harbour, NB. The tour took place on October 18th and was arranged by our president, Ed O'Keefe. On a head count we had about 22 persons. Some members could not attend because of the amount of walking required. The tour was most interesting and what a lot of members were saying, is the plant was much larger that previous realized with many product lines in operation. It is a major employer in that region. The tour lasted about 1.5 hours. PROBUS would certainly like to thank the management of Connors Brothers for their hospitality. The plant was very clean. After the tour, several groups went to the local Restaurant in Penfield or St George for lunch.
Pictured above is a group picture of those that attended (L-R):
Thomas Craig, David Ellis, Ron Pearce, Robert Taylor, Wes Cosman, John Doyle, Fred Shillington, President Ed O'Keefe, William Covert; Dale Steeves, Barry Watson , Murray Driscoll, Fenton Keirstead, Ron Lister.
Above, Fred Shillington, holds up the two samples of sardines given to all who went on the tour. In the foreground is Wes Cosman, Fred Shillington and William Covert. In the back ground, on the left, is Robert Taylor, John Doyle and president Ed O'Keefe.
Fenton Keirstead looking at the menu trying , to decide "what's good today"!
It looks like John Doyle is explaining to David, "just how they get 6 sardines in one can".
In the entrance at Connors Brothers, a model of an earlier Seiner vessel, Brunswick Maid, was on display.
Sept. 20, 2017 was a great meeting as Club members, both current and former, gathered to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Probus Club of Saint John. Pictured above (L-R) are current club President Ed O'Keefe who was very pleased to recognize the following Charter Members who were in attendance for the meeting and lunch- Mac Pike, Frank Ervin, Gerry Barnett, John Cooke, and Robert Taylor, Past President who introduced each of the Charter Members, and helped Ed present each with a 25 year Probus pin. Missing from the photo were Duane Lister and Gordon White.
Gordon Mouland lead the group in a lively sing along with our own Murray Driscoll on the Keyboard.
President Ed (R), had the pleasure of inducting our newest member, Chester Young (Center) as the first order of business at the Charter meeting. Off to the left is Dale Stevens, Membership Development chairperson who introduced Chester. Welcome to the Club, Chester.
The guest speaker for the luncheon was Marlene Pearce, Director and Secretary Treasurer of Probus Canada who congratulated the Club on being 25 years young, and gave an update from Probus Canada.
Marlene presented President Ed with a certificate from Probus Canada signed by herself, and W. R. (Bill) Sexsmith, President of Probus Canada.
We were very fortunate to have a number of Past Presidents in attendance. Pictured above with Director Marlene are Past Presidents (L-R) Mac Pike 1993-94, Richard Burphee 2008-09, George McCaughey 2004-05, Ralph Wood 2013-15, Ralph Murray 1999-00, Gordon Mouland 2000-01, Bob Capson 2010-11, Tor Bordevk 2011-13, Robert Taylor 2015-17, and Carl Tomkins 2003-04.
To complement coffee, and for desert for those that attended the luncheon, a beautiful Probus cake was cut by PP Robert Taylor or President Ed O'Keefe.
Your Executive trusts you have enjoyed our delightful Saint John summer. We've put together a fine program for our Fall meetings - you can find details elsewhere in the Phoghorn. We have made a goal -
To add 25 members in our 25th season.
And we're offering YOU a limited-time discount on your own renewal of $30 (due in September) for helping us.
$10 off your renewal
if you bring in a new member or bring back a lapsed member (lapsed a year or more) in September or October 2016;
$5 off
if you do the same in November or December 2016.
PS: Make sure prospective new members know there is a $20 initial fee and an annual fee of $30, both payable when they sign up.
Guest speakers for the Jan. 18, 2015 meeting were David Dickinson (Centre) who spoke on Funeral Planning, & John McMillan who spoke on the Memorial Foundation for his son John Jr..
The lucky winner of the 60/50 draw on Jan. 18, 2015 was Past President George McCaughey (right) being congratulated by President Ralgh Wood.
In the top left photo, President Ralph is sharing one of his growner jokes while on the left Tor Bordevik is seen doing a bit of fiddling with Sonia from the String Quartet.
On a rare occasion, we capture long time Club Treasurer Don Mitchener in a picture. Is he busy keeping us solvent before we make a Christmas financial presentation, or planning his next trip to Florida- laughing! The Club certainly appreciates the work Don does on our behalf.
On Sept. 17, 2014 our guest speaker was Anne Raina who spoke about her book "Clara's Rib", the story of her sister who spent her teenage years battling tuberculosis. She wasn't expected to see age 20 but lived to age 71. Anne Raina assured us she's not the one you can Google who writes erotica! Her story illustrates how a positive attitude and strong faith can overcome disease. A question and answer period followed. Anne was not permitted to promote sale of her book, but individual members could approach her and buy a signed copy.
On Sept. 17, 2014, President Ralph Wood presented a $500 cheque to Amy Shanks, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Saint John. She was thanked for a re-decorated room the Club meets. The President took the opportunity to request that space be found to restore our banner.
At the Feb. 19, 2014 monthly PROBUS meeting, the speakers were Victoria Clarke and Jeff McAloon of the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation.
During the meeting, President Ralph was presented with the club's new "Aid for the vertically challenged" The President has not had a growth spurt! All got a chuckle out of that!
Shown is the left picture are Bill Covert and President Ralph Wood proving to George that they really can't sing. In the right picture, the PROBUS Male Choir made up of Gordon Mouland, the Choir Master, and some of his cronies proving Bill and Ralph wrong.
PROBUS Executive 2013-2014
Standing: Gordon Dempsey, Gordon Mouland, Robert Taylor, Jim Shillington, George Urqhart with guitar, and President Ralph Wood
Sitting: PP Brian Mitchell, Gordon Graham, PP Torbjorn Bordevik, and Willard Buckley
In the left photo, Past President Tor explains how to make Norwegian Lutefisk, cod treated with Lye, a Christmas delicacy it seems. With Tor are Brian Mitchell & David Lester, standing, and Gordon Graham sitting. On the right, PROBUS members relax while they wait for the Christmas dinner prepared by the Saint John Boys' & Girls' Club to be served.
Ralph Wood (Top Photo), President of the PROBUS Club of Saint John, spoke on Thursday December 12, 2013 to members of the Rothesay-Kings Rotary Club. He spoke on the mission of the PROBUS organization, membership and the fellowship it provides. He also made the connection between Rotary and PROBUS. He ended by answering many interesting questions posed by club members.
In the bottom photo are PROBUS members attending this mornings meeting at the Rothesay-Kings Rotary Club. They are left to right, Rotary Club President - Andre Welland, Saint John PROBUS Club President - Ralph Wood and Rotary Past District Governor - Gordon A Dempsey. Missing from the photo PROBUS member and Past Charter Member of the Rothesay-Kings Rotary Club, was Brian Mitchell.
Gordon Dempsey(left), Past District Governor of Rotary, was pinned during the Oct. 2013 meeting. In Nov., Gordon congratulates Kendall Higgins who was pinned in Nov. and was sponsored by him. Welcome to Probus gentlemen ...way to go Gordon at this rate we'll be looking for a larger meeting place soon.
Jim Quinn (left), CEO of the Port of Saint John, was our Nov. speaker. He was enthusiastically welcomed. Question period had to be curtailed as lunch was getting cold. Thanks Jim for an excellent update on our port. Members (right) paying rapt attention to our November Speaker Jim Quinn.
PROBUS wreath (on the left) laid on the Kings Square Cenotaph November 11th as Trinity Church struck 11 am.
On Sept. 19, 2012, the Saint John PROBUS Club celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a special meeting and lunch hosted by the Boys & Girl Club of Saint John.
Pictured in the top row is Vice President Probus Center Canada, Atlantic Director, Mr. Steve Campbell giving a short speech to members, and presenting a Certificate from PROBUS Center Canada which was received on behalf of Probus Saint John by President Tor Bordevik.
The members of PROBUS held their Christmas meeting on Dec. 14, 2011. Seen above is Ralph Wood, Past President who shares a story with the members.
As has been the custom for some years, the Club was entertained by the Saint John String Quartet.
PROBUS met for their Christmas meeting and social on Dec. 15, 2010. They were entertained by the Saint John String Quartet consisting of David Adams, Larissa Chitty, Sony Adams and Chris Buckley who played a selection of Christmas carols.
Vaughn McIntyre, guest speaker for Oct. 21, 2009 meeting.
Mr. Roger Haineault, a tax consultant, was the guest speaker for the meeting on Mar. 18, 2009 and was introduced by Don Thomkins.
Mr. Haineault then proceeded to outline various new measures in recent Federal and Provincial budgets that could be advantageous to us as senior citizens. There was also some explanation of the circumstances that have led to the current recession and measures that have been introduced to ameliorate them. A lively and informative question and answer session followed the presentation. Mr. Haineault (left) was thanked by Clarence Blois(right) seen shaking hands and the meeting adjourned for lunch at 12 noon.
In the back ground to the left is 2nd Vice President Bob Capson, and Phoghorn editor Ralph Wood.
During the Feb. 18, 2008 meeting, President Richard Burpee welcomed two new members into the Club. Pictured above are President Richard, left, and Frank Cormier and Dr. Barry Beckett.
The Club's guest speaker was Dr. Robert MacKinnon, (left photo), Vice President of UNB Saint John, who gave the Club an update and overview of the University with particular emphasis to the new School of Medicine. In the photo to the right is new club member Dr. Barry Beckett thanking Dr. MacKinnon for his informative talk.
On Jan. 15, 2009 the Rendezvous 2008 organizing team met at the Mediterranean restaurant to wrap-up and share some laughs and successes for the rendezvous 2008 gathering.
Pictured (L-R): Ralph Wood, Bill Bydges, Wes Cosman, David Fraser, Carl Tompkins, Fred Shillington, Laurie Hossack, President Richard Burpee, Mildred Brydges, Betty Thomkins, Robert Taylor. The empty Chair is Robert Lockhart, who was behind the camera.
The gathering was spearheaded by Co-chair Bill Brydges, and it was with great pride that he, Fred Shillington and President Richard Burpee advised that all was a success, both financially and socially.
The following summarizes the committees synopsis:
At the Dec. 17, 2008 Christmas meeting, the Probus members were entertained by the Saint John String Quartet (top photo) comprized of David and Sonia Adams, Chris Buckley, and Christine Gail-Harrison whose seasonal presentation was a delightful combination of carols and seasonal music with interesting comments on the origins of each piece. The members were then served a fine Christmas lunch by the Boys and Girls Club staff and the members adjourned full of Christmas cheer.
Pictured in two bottom photos are PROBUS members listening (left), and enjoying a sing song.
During the meeting, President Richard Burpee presented Debbie Cooper, the Executive Director of the Boys' and Girls' Club, with Probus' annual Christmas cheque.
Clarence Blois (left), the Club's Entertainment & Singing Chairman, shares a laugh- maybe at the quality of the singing that day! Don Tompkins (right), isn't quite sure what just happened. He has just taken over from long time historian Lou Duffley as the Club Historian and Photogragher, and will be prime for forwarding material to Club Webmaster Robert Lockhart for the web site.
President Richard Burpee
Vice President Brian Mitchell
At the Dec. 2008 meeting, President Richard Burpee (top photo) was pleased to announce that Brian Mitchell (bottom photo) had accepted the position of Vice President and Program Director for our PROBUS Club.
The Club is very fortunate to have Brian step up to this position. We know he will do a great job!!
PROBUS Canada President Art Buck (far left) is very pleased to be presenting the “John R. Morris Founder’s Award” to a long time PROBUS Member who has definitely made his mark in “outstanding support for the growth and development of PROBUS across Canada” over the past 15 years as a member. Bill Brydges is a Charter Member and a Past President of the Probus Club of Saint John, N.B. He has also served on the Board of Directors of PROBUS Centre-Canada, Inc. doing so with dedication and commitment. He has also been involved in the development of new Probus Clubs in his area and most recently, without hesitation, successfully served as Co-Chair of the PROBUS Canada Rendezvous 2008 held in his community.
Congratulations Bill !!
(From Dec. 2008 PROBUS Canada Newsletter)
This happy group are Members of the Organizing Committee of the PROBUS “Rendezvous 2008” held in Saint John, N.B. this past September. Having just received “Certificates of Appreciation” from PROBUS Canada President Art Buck (3rd from left) they have a right to smile at the success of a tremendous event. Just under 300 attendees took advantage of Saint John hospitality to enjoy three days of fun, fellowship and idea exchange in Canada’s “Loyalist City”. Survey returns are already in and, with few exceptions, they express feelings of great satisfaction and enjoyment with lots of opportunity for business as well as sight seeing and just plain good times.
Thank You Saint John !!
(From Dec. 2008 PROBUS Canada Newsletter)
It's hard to believe that we're at the end of another year--and boy what a year it has been. Our efforts across this Country have brought us to 200 Clubs, …. the "long sought after" number and now we can set our sights on a new target … perhaps 250.
My thanks to all who helped to make this growth happen and may it continue ! And “Rendezvous 2008---Catch the Wave”---held in Saint John N.B. in late September, which turned out to be a "super" success. The ---food--- fellowship--- entertainment---tours---and not to forget the discussions & the comments from the workshops---left us with much pride about the benefits of belonging to such a great group called “PROBUS”.
I personally met so many from across Canada who commented on their pleasure at being involved with our organization. Our Board will be discussing many of the recommendations brought up during the workshops, particularly those dealing with improved communications, and sharing more information between Clubs.
A very sincere “Congratulations” to the Saint John Clubs , their non Club volunteers---and to all our members who were there to enjoy their efforts.
(From Dec. 2008 Probus Canada Newsletter)
Dave Lester, President 2005 - 06, shares a laugh as incoming President David Frase presents him with his past president' pin on Sept. 20, 2006.
One of President Dave's last chores was to induct new member Frank Setchell (center) to Probus. Frank was sponsored by Fred Shillington (left).
At our Christmas luncheon on Dec. 14, 2005, President David recognized our Charter Members with special name badges. Pictured above are the initial four Rotarians who did the ground work to invite 44 gentlemen to a meeting to discuss the creation of a PROBUS Club. Pictured above are Gordon White, Gerald Barnett, Bill Brydges, and Canon Lloyd Lake. Of the 44, 43 signed as Charter members.
Pictured above is President David presenting founding President William Bartlett with his new Charter Member's name badge.
The following Charter Members who were in attendance to receive their new badges: Left to right back row: Bill Bartlett, Reg MacKenzie, Alex Penman, Robert Crawford, Blake McCullogh, Gordon White, George Teed, Robert Reeves, Canon Lloyd Lake, Gerald Barnett, Bill Brydges, and Mac Pike. In front are John Cook, Duane Lister.
Missing from the photo were: Ross Coates, Horace Hall, Jack Myles, Frank Ervin, Harry Hoar, Glen Scott, David Filliter, Eric Josselyn, Ed Graham, and Bob McConnell.
During our luncheon, Treasurer Ed creaser presented Debbie, Cooper, the Boy's and Girl's Club Executive Director, with a cheque for $500.00 for Probus' Christmas Donation.
During the meeting, the members present were entertained by Saint John Quartet members: Sonja Adams, David Adams, Ericka Low and Chris Buckley.
On the Sept. 21, 2005 meeting of Probus at the Boys' and Girls' Club of Saint John, the new executive for the new Probus year were voted into office. Pictured here is incoming President David Lester presenting out going President George McCaughey with his past president's pen.
We were fortunate to have renowned Saint John artist Ray Butler as our guest speaker on Sept. 21, 2005 to kick off the new PROBUS year. Ray gave a very interesting talk on what an artist thinks of and considers when doing a person or landscape portrait.
As part of Ray's talk, he did a portrait of Wylie McGinley explaining as he drew what he was looking for and how he puts the detail on artist paper. Wylie went home with a souvenir from our PROBUS meeting.